How your donations are spent
Making a donation to Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group will help us run the charity and its activities. We are aiming at improving existing services and creating new ones, tailored to the needs of our members.
A donation would help us support an increasing number of people suffering with ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and/or long Covid.
We are also committed to reaching an ever growing audience with our events, campaigning materials and communication to raise awareness about these conditions.
How to donate
Make a tax deductible donation.
Click the button below

In Person
The Circle,
33 Rockingham Lane,
Sheffield, S1 4FW
Our office isn't open every day due to staff working mainly remotely. Please call 01142536700 to arrange a visit.
Bank transfer
Bank: Lloyds Bank, Church Street, Sheffield
Sort Code: 30-97-51
Account Number: 03571569
Reference: DONATION (then your name)
Make a cheque out to Sheffield ME Group
Post it to:
The Circle,
33 Rockingham Lane,
Sheffield, S1 4FW