SMEFG Members' Forum
Here's a place to share with our community of members. How does it work? --> see here:
About the conditions
Chat here about symptoms, coping strategies, tips of all sorts related to ME/CFS, fibromyalgia or long covid.
13Covid-19 and vaccines
Find and share information with other members about covid-related topics, including their experience of vaccination.
0Nutrition & diet
Here's a place to share or ask about cooking tips, easy healthy recipes, nutrition related to your condition and more!
5Science and research
Share and discuss interesting research around ME/CFS, fibromyalgia or long covid.
Do you have questions or tips about pacing? Do you want to share your experience: what you find difficult, what helps?
1Other news!
Meet-ups, events and other news... Share anything you'd like in here!
6The Arts & Crafts Corner
Participatory projects coming soon... This is also a space to freely share your work with other members!