The ME Local Network (MELN) has been created and is being steered by local ME support groups across the UK, among which our Sheffield Group. The aims of this network include strengthening mutual help between local support groups, sharing information and best practice, ensuring the grassroots voice is heard and feeding back to national charities and organisations.
MELN has created 2 short surveys to be shared nationwide, which we hope you can take part in. You can find more info about MELN here or by contacting
Your experience of claiming or renewing PIP in 2019-2022
Have you applied or started a renewal since October 2019? We'd like your opinion on how well or badly the DWP and its assessors are handling the process, so we can feed back and try to influence change through our network's campaigning work. The more responses we get, the stronger the impact!
Complete the short survey here or click the button below. Closing date 28th February 2022.
Contacting your MP
Have you been in touch with your MP about specific issues to the ME community? Please let us know about your experience, as it will help us build a record of who has been contacted and who is yet to contact.
Complete the short survey here or click the button below. Closing date 28th February 2022.
If you wish to know more about the ME Local Network or if you wish to be involved on behalf of your local group, please contact