A huge thank you and well done to Will, who ran the Sheffield Half Marathon last Sunday to help raise funds for Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group. The funds raised will go towards supporting you, our members.
Will finished the race in a fantastic 2 hours and 2 minutes. We only just managed to take a picture of him!
We spoke to him yesterday and he told us that he was “Feeling it in the aftermath, but glad to have run 13.1 miles again, especially given the support it’s helped raise for the group”. Thank you so much, Will!
Thank you to everyone who donated and shared the link to donate with family and friends.
We can reveal (drum roll please...) we've raised £555, absolutely smashing our target of £100!
There is still time to donate, so please share the link as far and wide as you can: https://www.givey.com/willshalfmarathonfundraiser.
All donations are welcome!
If you would like to help raise funds for Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group, please get in touch at info@sheffieldmegroup.co.uk. We'd love to hear from you!