Let’s come together with the charity's trustees, staff, members and allies at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Join us 1-3pm on Friday 21st June either via Zoom or in-person at The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield S1 4FW (ground floor conference room).
During this event, we will be sharing:
The rich history of our Group, which started over 30 years ago! We are standing on the shoulders of the early pioneers, who will share some entertaining stories from the early days.
The work our charity has done in the past year
Our annual accounts
Our plans for the future
We're in the process of collating facts and stories to create a record of our long history. If you know anything, please get in touch!
We will invite everyone to share thoughts and ask questions, and our members will have the chance to elect our board of trustees. Please let us know if you're interested in joining the board by emailing info@sheffieldmegroup.co.uk.
Free healthy food and drinks are provided. Carers and families are welcome.
Please note that the in-person event will be held in a large room ventilated with open doors and windows and a CO2 monitor. Masks will be available for those who want them.
We hope to see you there.