You can now find the recording of this event on this page and on our YouTube channel - subscribe here. Many thanks again to Gez for sharing this huge amount of knowledge with us!
We are delighted to announce that on Thursday September 15th at 2pm we will be hosting investigative science journalist, author and filmmaker Gez Medinger for a Question and Answer session about Long Covid. He joins an illustrious list of former speakers that includes Dr Charles Shepherd, Professor Ron Davis and Dr Sanjay Gupta. Mr Medinger is a former competitive long distance runner who contracted Covid-19 in March 2020 - and like around 2 million other people in the UK, never fully recovered. He has experienced fatigue, headaches and brain fog among other symptoms. In the two years since, he has devoted his energy to campaigning for awareness and research on long-term complications of Covid-19. He has authored The Long Covid Handbook, due to be published later this year, with Professor Danny Altmann. In his YouTube video anouncing the book, Mr Medinger describes his ambition to create a 'central resource' on the condition, bringing together everything learned in the last two years - and hopefully answer every question people might have. This will include causes, gender bias, the condition in children, symptom managment, treatments, mental health and prognosis. The book will be science-focused and expert-sourced, looking at everything from peer-reviewed journal articles, to exploring the scientific basis of adecdotal reports. For accessibilty, Mr Medinger is ensuring that the book will be available in hard copy, digital, and audiobook formats. September's talk will be a Q&A session hosted on Zoom by our Chair of Trustees, Carolyn Leary, focusing on all things Long Covid. It's free and open to all, wherever you are!
We will also live-stream the session from our Facebook page, and post the video afterwards on our YouTube channel and website. If you have any questions or topics that you would like to see addressed, please send them to: We hope you can join us!