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ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness Day/week!

Check out the 3 things that our charity has been doing to mark the international ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness Day (or week!)

On the 12th of May, ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is marked worldwide to help raise awareness of the illnesses and the impact they have, and call for better access to healthcare and research.

We are part of the World ME Alliance through our ME Local Network (MELN) membership. This week we are working alongside members of the alliance to raise awareness and call for action.

A members' picnic

We marked the 12th on the day with a picnic with our members in Sheffield city centre; an informal social for us to get together, socialise and offer support.

We were lucky with the weather, and extremely pleased to meet 19 of our members, share nice food, chat about many topics, share experiences and ideas about the charity's work. There was also some impressive poi juggling and ukulele playing!

Thanks who all who came, and see you again soon!

Awareness stalls

On Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th May, we’re hosting an information stall at the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield, 9am - 5pm. Today, we've been joined by the ME/CFS Service for South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire. We are raising awareness of ME/CFS and fibromyalgia among healthcare professionals, patients and passing members of the public.

Resources and information sharing

All this week we are sharing information on the conditions, resources and campaigns on our Facebook page and Twitter/X.

We have updated our website with a dedicated webpage for healthcare professionals, including concise and trusted resources on ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and long covid. We created a special leaflet for healthcare professionals directing them to this section of our website. Please note that we are still working on this webpage as part of our ongoing work to update our website.

Many thanks to all who are helping to raise awareness of these conditions, and striving for better research and support.

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We Need Your Support Today!

Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group


The Circle

33 Rockingham Lane


S1 4FW


Phone: 0114 2536700

(Mon - Thurs 10.45am - 2.15pm)

Registered Charity: 1095416

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The inclusion of information of any kind on this website does not imply a recommendation or guarantee of accuracy. Nor are any views or comments necessarily those of the Group. Before embarking on anything different or new, you are advised to discuss this with your doctor.

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