On December 1st we were honoured to host an expert talk from Prof Resia Pretorius and Dr Caroline Dalton, titled 'Vascular pathology in post-viral conditions: the role of Microclots'. The talk gave an accessible insight into the cutting edge of research on this fascinating topic, which may help to explain the characteristic fatigue experienced by many with Long Covid, and also ME/CFS. We were pleased to have over 230 registrants for this talk and hope to reach more people thanks to the recording, so please do share as widely as possible!
The recording of the event is now available to watch on our website and on YouTube, along with the recordings of all our previously hosted expert events. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel here.
Video: Vascular pathology in post-viral conditions: the role of Microclots.
Prof Resia Pretorius has kindly given us permission to share her slides with all registrants - please see below. Dr Caroline Dalton is consulting with her team, and if her slides are ok to share we'll update this post with those.
Keep informed
We are planning more of our 'Science From Your Sofa' educational talks in the new year. Keep updated about our next events via our Facebook, Twitter, website, or subscribe to our mailing list (bottom of any of our website's pages).
Support us!
Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group is a small registered charity providing support to people of all ages living with ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia and Long Covid in South Yorkshire and North Derbyshire, and raising awareness about the conditions.
If you wish to give a little something to our charity to support our work, please visit this page: Donate. Many thanks again to Resia and Caroline for giving this talk!