#MillionsMissing is a global campaign for ME health equality. Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group are hosting this event and will be visible on the steps outside the City Hall with speakers, music, performers, shoes, stories, poems and more. Help us be seen and heard by joining our Visibility Action in Sheffield! #CanYouSeeMEnow #CanYouHearME
12pm: Speakers and performers
If you can only come from a short while, 12pm is the time to join us!
10am til 4pm: People with ME and Fibro, friends, family, allies and other groups from the region will be there welcoming everyone, giving out leaflets and information and raising awareness.
We want to showcase your stories, songs, poems and artwork, shoes and tags!
You can either:
Email us at info@sheffieldmegroup.co.uk, and we'll print and take your words or art with us!
Or post stuff to:
6 Shirle Hill, Sheffield, S11 9DY
(We'll be donating shoes to charity afterwards if they are in a good enough state, or disposing of them if not).
If you have ideas for ways we can make an even bigger impact and want help making them happen, or would like to speak at the event, please email us at info@sheffieldmegroup.co.uk