Want to find out more about research into how gut microbes might be linked to ME/CFS?
Join us online on Thursday 16 November at 2pm for a talk and Q&A with Professor Simon Carding, eminent research leader on Gut Microbes in Health and Disease at the Quadram Institute.
This event is co-hosted with Cinnamon Days CIC - find out about the great things they do below!
Professor Carding will discuss the research his team is doing to investigate if and how the intestinal microbiome is altered in people with ME/CFS and how targeting it might be an effective treatment option for ME/CFS.
Talk: Gut Microbes as Cause and Treatment of ME/CFS
Date: 2pm, Thursday 16 November 2023
Location: Online via Zoom
Book here: https://bit.ly/GutMicrobesTalk2023
A link to join the talk will be emailed to you after registration.
The talk will also be live-streamed on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/SheffieldMEandFibromyalgiaGroup.
If you cannot join in on the day, you can watch a recording of the talk after the event. It will be uploaded to our website and YouTube channel.
Cinnamon Days CIC
Cinnamon Days CIC is a Social Enterprise that supports, educates, connects and gives hope to people suffering from chronic metabolic diseases, through dietary and lifestyle changes using an evidenced-based low-carb diet approach.
They facilitate a free Health & Nutrition club for people with ME/CFS/Long Covid - have a look and join them!