Well done and a huge thank you to Marie! As we reached 75% of our target, Marie took a big step forward in her hair-razing fundraising initiative and got her head shaved by her PA, Azura. And what's more, her new look really suits her!
We're all amazed by everyone's generosity as we've now reached 86% of our target as I'm writing this post. The costs for accessible arts classes are covered, and the exhibition is on its way! We're aiming at making the exhibition next year, probably in Spring to have chances of nice weather, covid-safe environment and to leave enough time for everyone to create their arts.
The programme of arts classes will be built together with Marie and all our members. We're designing it to be as accessible as possible, using online channels as well as offline ways to participate. The programme will include singing and writing workshops, as well as other classes decided with our members. This is all very exciting!
We're keeping the fundraiser going in a hope to achieve 100% or more. If we achieve more than our target, we'll be able to organise a wider range of arts workshops this year!
Please continue supporting this project by visiting and sharing the fundraiser's webpage.
A huge thank you to all our generous donors and to Marie, and congratulations to her on her achievement - shear brilliance!