2pm - 4pm, Monday 9th December
The Circle, 33 Rockingham Lane, Sheffield S1 4FW
Please add the SMEFG Christmas Gathering to your diary. The full programme is below:
2pm Doors Open
2.20pm Welcome
2.30pm Entertainment - Magician
3.00pm Refreshments
3.20pm Entertainment - Quartet
3.40pm Quizzes on tables
4pm Thanks and raffle
We'll also have a table set aside for our plant lover's group and the very short book club. We would welcome members to bring a plant or book which they can swap.
We'd love for a couple of members to join our team organising the Christmas gathering. We may also like a little help on the day either in-person or online.
What’s more, you can enjoy this event in person at The Circle, or online from the comfort of home - register here bit.ly/SMEFG-XMAS-2024
Please email info@sheffieldmegroup.co.uk if you plan to attend in person. To help us plan our catering, please also let us know if have any dietary restrictions. Families and carers are also welcome.