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Speak Up for better healthcare!

Sheffield ME & Fibromyalgia Group has the opportunity to work with Healthwatch Sheffield on the SpeakUp project, to help improve health and social care provision for people with ME/CFS and fibromyalgia in Sheffield.

The focus was to identify barriers to accessing appropriate care, and find solutions.

We engaged with decision makers from the NHS, Sheffield City Council and other local organisations supporting our members to share the findings, and are currently working together to design and implement improvements for better health and social care for our community.

We Need Your Support Today!

Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group


The Circle

33 Rockingham Lane


S1 4FW


Phone: 0114 2536700

(Mon - Thurs 10.45am - 2.15pm)

Registered Charity: 1095416

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If you are looking to access activities, benefits advice, or the private Facebook group, please note you will need to purchase membership here

Many thanks to all our generous donors, and to our funders...

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© 2020 Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group  Registered Charity Number 1095416 |  Terms of Use  |   Privacy Policy

The inclusion of information of any kind on this website does not imply a recommendation or guarantee of accuracy. Nor are any views or comments necessarily those of the Group. Before embarking on anything different or new, you are advised to discuss this with your doctor.

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