What We Do
Here are all the services we offer to our members living with ME/CFS, fibromyalgia and/or long covid. Become a member to access all of these services or sign up to our general mailing list to be informed of our open events and more.

Phone our office on 0114 2536700 or email us at info@sheffieldmegroup.co.uk for information about our Group, the health conditions, and what support is available to you in the area.
We also send out email news throughout the year updating you on the biggest upcoming events. Sign up here to receive our e-news.

To keep our members up to date with everything related to the Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Group, we produce our own quarterly newsletter (soft and hard copies). This contains key dates for upcoming events, news from around the world about ME, fibro and long covid, updates on everything the Group has been doing, content and arts produced by our members and more. We encourage our members to send us any magazine material that they find relevant to magazine@sheffieldmegroup.co.uk.
Our team of highly experienced specialised advisers are there to help our members receive all the support they are entitled to from the government and local council. From disability benefits to blue badges, council tax support, aids and adaptations and more, they are ready to help. Get in touch on benefits@sheffieldmegroup.co.uk
We put on a range of free social and wellbeing activities for our members, based on their feedback and ideas. These have included arts and craft sessions, mindfulness, seated tai chi, warm water swimming, French conversation, quizzes, our jolly Christmas social and more. These are either in person or online via Zoom. Check out our current activities.

Along with a team of volunteers we run drop ins at pubs and coffee shops near you. This is your chance to meet up with other people with ME, fibro and long covid, chat with people who understand what you're going through without questioning you, and also just have a good time. Check our current activities page for details of the next drop-ins.

We provide platforms to encourage peer support within our community of members. Our open Community Facebook group has over 1,000 participants and another private group enables mutual support for members only (if you are a member, please contact info@sheffieldmegroup.co.uk to be added to this group).
We have recently launched our members-only online forum which enables members to share information, advice and mutual support around various topics.

Our Group hosts national and international speakers to ensure the latest science is available and accessible to members and professionals. All talks are live-streamed on Zoom and on our Facebook page, so participants can watch from home and ask questions to our guest. The talks are recorded and available for a later watch on our website and our YouTube channel.
Our Group is committed to work alongside decision makers to help improve local health and social care provision for people living with the conditions. This includes continuous work with leaders from the NHS, Council and other local organisations supporting our client group. We always make sure to involve our community in each step of the way. See our SpeakUp project as an example.

Throughout the year we run outreach stalls at events and places across South Yorkshire, organise projects and partner up with other organisations to increase the profile and understanding of these conditions in the area. Through this we aim to raise awareness of ME and fibromyalgia, connect with more people with these illnesses as well as their families and friends, and increase the scope of support for our community.

We work collaboratively with a range of organisations to create better access to care, support and outcomes for people with the conditions. We also host one-off events to help raise awareness of the conditions.

In Autumn every year we hold our AGM. As well as a keynote speaker with expertise on the health conditions, this is when we elect our trustees and give an update on the past years goings on. If held in person, a free buffet for members will be supplied, and time for a natter and catch up